maandag 9 maart 2009

vechten tegen de crisis

Crisis is van alle tijden. Verlies, onmacht, teloorgang...

In nauwelijks twintig jaar sloten 100.000 winkels hun deuren definitief, enerzijds omdat ze ten onder gingen door de opmars van het grootwinkelbedrijf, anderzijds omdat de kinderen van de winkeliers weigerden hun ouders in de zaak op te volgen (1960).

We zoeken naar oorzaken en zondebokken. En daarna gaan we weer om ons heen kijken. wat is van waarde?

Complete the following sentence: Foreign markets were believed to be vital to the success of American business and finance because... (1890)

en komt er innovatie tot stand, vanuit noodzaak geboren.

An imperial decree by Peter led to the foundation of The Imperial Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg in 1724. The Academy’s scientific research, teaching, and discovery were intended to strengthen the Russian state and its resources, and to usher in European-influenced cultural developments. Much of the impetus for Russian exploration of the north Pacific emerged from the Academy, including Bering’s voyages of 1725-30, and 1733-43. Peter, who died just before Bering departed on his first journey to Kamchatka, wrote that these expeditions were “to find glory for the state through art and science.” (1724)

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